Unleash the power of

Organized Topics

in your life and work!

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Create daily to-do lists and track your work using the calendar. Set goals, monitor habits, and manage action lists. Utilize reminders and alarms to stay on track and meet milestones. Practice effective time and project management ...


Write daily notes. Preserve and categorize your photos/videos by topics. Document your tasks by organizing your files on the cloud and have access to them everywhere, anytime ...



Enhance communication by chatting about topics, sharing documents, collaborating on content, discussing plans, inviting friends, and managing shared knowledge within communities ...

Easy to use

Easy to use

Otopic is designed with a user-friendly interface and intuitive features, making it easy to use for individuals of varying technical expertise.

Sync on All Devices

Sync on All Devices

Otopic ensures that your data and settings are consistent and up-to-date, regardless of whether you access the software on a computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other compatible device.

Secure and Safe

Secure and Safe

Otopic prioritizes the safety and security of your data and interactions. Several measures are implemented to protect your information and maintain a secure environment.

AI empowered

AI empowered

Otopic leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance its functionality and provide advanced capabilities.

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